Thursday, November 30, 2023

Diminium - Dissonant [2023]

Amidst the adversity of a war-torn environment and the echoes of conflict, the Ukrainian atmospheric metal project Diminium emerges with a dynamic debut album, "Dissonant", released on November 30th, 2023. The album showcases a unique fusion of atmospheric and groove/modern metal elements with pure anger. Diminium’s creative journey through the making of "Dissonant" is an inspiring story of resilience and determination. “After the ruskies invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and future blackouts caused by shelling, I felt like I was losing my mind sitting in darkness,” shared Dimi Rich, the band's frontman. “I picked up a guitar with my laptop and started to outpour all my anger and disgust about the situation around into music just to stay sane. I ended up with about 50 demos; I picked 10 and started to record them since January 2023.” He channeled his frustrations into a musical concoction of ambient/atmospheric stuff mixed with crushing riffs and wrathful vocals/lyrics: "This world is a big mess, filled with wars, violence and cataclysms. The power and greed seem to define relationships between individuals and nations. We live in a dissonant world."

The album features notable guest appearances from Martino Garattoni (Ne Obliviscaris), Xavier Dumont (Godspear) and Vitalii Popfalushi aka Exaltation (Monumental) among others. Diminium invites listeners to a sonic journey defined by emotional depth, musical complexity, and the relentless spirit created amidst adversity.